At Cohortea, we are creating a one-stop-shop for crypto ventures that show immense potential by offering consulting services that open doors. The team comprises of members who have been in crypto their entire professional career (give or take 8 years).

We utilize our huge networks in the tech and crypto sphere to the benefit of your product/service.

Where We Excel

Experienced and Seasoned

Our experts can help you save time and resources by helping you decide on vital decisions to meet your roadmap deadlines.

Experts at Removing Bottlenecks

Helping you in creating a process and improvement of currnet processes and resources

Refined Business Decisions

With dozens of successes and double the failures, we use our well founded biases and lessons to make informed business decisions

Deep Crypto Roots

Having spent a good part of our lives in crypto both digitally and physically gives us a certain advantage in helping you reach out to the right people.

No Bullshit Product Management

We ensure your whitepaper deadlines are met

  Will soon be updated with Case Studies

Get a free 1 hour consultation with our experts

If your business is looking at integrating blockchain into your existing business, an upcoming ICO or curious about a crazy idea, please talk to us.

Schedule a Call or better yet just Send us an Email and we will get back to you